Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hair Loss in Men and Remedies

Hair Loss among Men is a glowing problem for them as it make him bald and barren giving strong stab to his self image. This makes him feel that he has become less attractive and puts him under enormous stress. Everyone be a man or a woman is beauty conscious nowadays and hair loss becomes a great blow to this.

It is not only now that men are worried about bald head but it was from earlier days that the problem made him think he is less attractive. The medical name for male hair loss is Androgenic alopecia. Male hair loss usually refers to the male pattern baldness. Though hair loss is a curable one for both men and women, the research has shown that a greater number of men suffer from this problem compared to women.

There are lots of possible remedies for male hair loss. The most common and popular product used for treating male pattern baldness is Propecia. This product is meant only for men because usage of this product can lead to unwanted hair growth in women. Before using propecia it is advisable for a man to consult a doctor to avoid side effects.

It is a known fact that all men suffer hair loss is due to psychological impacts. They face a lot of Stress and strain in day to life and they are under constant pressure for various reasons. This increases his problem of hair loss. But he has to cope up with this condition with indignity. The important phase of life is patience and strength of mind. Shaven head will not suit all men. Men who are suffering from hair loss shave their head very often.

Products like Rogaine, propecia, etc. can be of great use for men who suffer from hair loss. Using such medicine will be a permanent cure for men than using toupee which is artificial remedy. But before taking a treatment it is advisable to consult a doctor. Excess of dihydro testosterone (DHT) is the root cause of hair loss in men.

The advancement in science and technology has brought in a lot of remedy in curing hair loss. So one need not worry about hair thinning and hair loss in the present world as alternatives like hair transplant, hair waving and other techniques are available which can give good results to counter the hair loss.

It is important to everybody to take preventable steps to avoid hair loss and hair thinning. Once a person finds out he is losing hair he has to find out the cause and try to use natural remedies to recover from that.

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