Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hair Loss in Men and Remedies

Hair Loss among Men is a glowing problem for them as it make him bald and barren giving strong stab to his self image. This makes him feel that he has become less attractive and puts him under enormous stress. Everyone be a man or a woman is beauty conscious nowadays and hair loss becomes a great blow to this.

It is not only now that men are worried about bald head but it was from earlier days that the problem made him think he is less attractive. The medical name for male hair loss is Androgenic alopecia. Male hair loss usually refers to the male pattern baldness. Though hair loss is a curable one for both men and women, the research has shown that a greater number of men suffer from this problem compared to women.

There are lots of possible remedies for male hair loss. The most common and popular product used for treating male pattern baldness is Propecia. This product is meant only for men because usage of this product can lead to unwanted hair growth in women. Before using propecia it is advisable for a man to consult a doctor to avoid side effects.

It is a known fact that all men suffer hair loss is due to psychological impacts. They face a lot of Stress and strain in day to life and they are under constant pressure for various reasons. This increases his problem of hair loss. But he has to cope up with this condition with indignity. The important phase of life is patience and strength of mind. Shaven head will not suit all men. Men who are suffering from hair loss shave their head very often.

Products like Rogaine, propecia, etc. can be of great use for men who suffer from hair loss. Using such medicine will be a permanent cure for men than using toupee which is artificial remedy. But before taking a treatment it is advisable to consult a doctor. Excess of dihydro testosterone (DHT) is the root cause of hair loss in men.

The advancement in science and technology has brought in a lot of remedy in curing hair loss. So one need not worry about hair thinning and hair loss in the present world as alternatives like hair transplant, hair waving and other techniques are available which can give good results to counter the hair loss.

It is important to everybody to take preventable steps to avoid hair loss and hair thinning. Once a person finds out he is losing hair he has to find out the cause and try to use natural remedies to recover from that.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Use Eggs to Make Your Hair Healthy

Egg has to become an important part of your hair and skin care diet. Everyone wants to have beautiful and lustrous hair. With the use of raw eggs anyone can find themselves with beautiful hair. One need not cross the seven continents to find a raw egg. Every house can easily get a good supply of raw eggs. These can be used for making some of the best hair conditioners. The properties of egg create a needed impact on your dull and dry hair. It helps the hair to recreate itself. It maintains the texture of your hair by the presence of the important elements.

Some Home Based Recipes

For strong and beautiful hair you can mix 2 egg yolks (depending on length of your hair) with 2 tsp. castor oil. Massage this mixture on your hair. Keep it for sometime then rinse it thoroughly.

Whip up two raw eggs. Pour this mixture on your hair by massaging. Let it dry. Shampoo your hair and then give vinegar and water rinse. Follow this procedure every month for soft and smooth hair.

Beat egg yolk thoroughly to make a frothy solution. Add 1 tsp baby oil and beat again to make a proper mixture. Add water to this mixture and apply it all over your scalp. Once dry, rinse well to get a proper conditioned treatment.

Mix egg yolk in 1/4 cup of yogurt with a little lime skin. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply it to every single strand of hair. After applying keep it for 10 minutes and then wash it off. The combination of yogurt and egg is very good for your hair.

Mix a whole egg to lemon juice. Whisk it properly. Once applied on your hair keep it for sometime. Rinse it thoroughly. This combination gives a shine to your dull hair.

Beat egg yolk to make a frothy paste. Add 1/2 tsp. olive oil and beat the mixture again. Slowly and steadily add 3/4 cup of luke warm water. After shampooing, massage this conditioner and leave it for few minutes. Rinse it later.

It is a good hair treatment for people who are in water most of the times like swimmers, surfers etc. Mix egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber to make a good mixture. Spread it evenly on your hair and keep it for 10 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly.

Mix together 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. almond oil and 1 tbsp. yogurt. Make a frothy paste and apply it on your hair. Rinse it in 1/2 hours time. This will smooth your hair and moisturize it evenly.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

By: Sharon Hopkins -Sustainable Living Articles

Sharon Hopkins maintain many websites which provides hair care tips, skin care tips and new methods to add color to them.

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hair Care Tips

Nourishment of your hair with the aid of a number of hair care products can be futile if you do not take proper measures along with it. Generally, more women have long hair and hence they need to take proper measures to maintain it. To maintain your hair some of the following hair care tips can be useful.
1.Stay away from use of excessive hair colours, perms, chemical or relaxers, which may be harmful to your hair.
2.While washing hair with shampoo do not resort to aggressive scrubbing and use a conditioner to revive the lost glitter in your hair.
3.After washing your hair do not keep it wrapped with a towel.
4.Do not wash hair with very cold or very hot water. Use mild warm or water of normal temperature else the water can damage your hair.
5.Though brushing of hair while it is wet should be avoided you can comb with the help of a wide-tooth comb if you really need to.
6.Trimming your hair is another method through which you can keep your hair healthy and scalp free from dandruff.
7.Use vitamin supplements like vitamin A, B, C and E in your diet so as to keep your diet balanced. Iron and mineral rich food contents should also be taken to supplement these vitamins.
8.Take an umbrella or wrap your hair with some scarf when you are to get out in sunshine.
9.Avoid those hair styles, which requires you to pull your hair too tightly as the pull can damage your hair.
10.A slight massage of your hair everyday is a good habit so that circulation of the blood takes place near the scalp.
11.If you blow-dry your hair stop doing it from today and resort to air drying as hot air can damage your hair.
12.Before going to bed at least comb your hair so that it get free from entanglement, which might have taken place in the course of the day.
These hair care tips are general in nature and are just basic tips on how to manage you hair. You can also seek hair care tips from hair care experts, dermatologists or by joining some online forum. These hair care tips are not only for those individuals who are suffering from hair loss, grey hair or some other kind of hair problems but the tips can also be followed by other individuals.

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Natural Hair Care Remedy

Lovely, shining hair is one of a woman's greatest beauty assets. Hair tends to be the body's barometer indicating good health or the lack of it. The life-span of a hair can be anything from several months to several years, depending on how it is treated and how healthy the scalp and hair conditions are. It is seen that the average life of a hair is about five years. After that, the follicle the hair is growing from begins to shrink and the .hair remains static until it drops out or is brushed out to be replaced a few months later by a new hair. The average adult head has around 1, 20,000 to 1,50,000 hairs. Although a hundred of hairs may come out in a single day, your hair won't become thinner. The trouble starts when the new hair does not form in the follicle, perhaps because there is inadequate blood supply, or because glandular or hormonal activity in the body is preventing healthy growth. Hair is a precious beauty asset, so it deserves good care. There are four types of hair-normal, greasy, dry and greasy dry. Normal hair is shiny yet not greasy, and fairly easy to manage. Greasy hair looks good for a day or two after shampooing, but then quickly becomes lank. Dry hair is difficult to control after shampooing, looks dull and has ends that are dry and split. Greasy dry hair is usually fairly long and the hair nearest the scalp is greasy while the ends are dry.
The beauty of hair, too, depends on good health. Since hair is made from a form of protein, a high protein diet can help to make it grow strong and healthy. The valuable vitamins of the B Complex are important for hair health and one of the best source of Vitamin B is brewers' yeast. Another good source of Vitamin B is liver, so make sure your diet includes at least one liver meal a week. Minerals important for the health of your hair include iron, copper and iodine. Iron and copper are present in everyday foods like meat and leafy green vegetables. If you have greasy hair, banish fried, greasy and fatty foods from your diet, and concentrate on green vegetables and salads, meat, fresh fish, liver, eggs and cheese. For dry hair, add a little vegetable oil to the same basic diet, but avoid fried food, since it may cause skin troubles. Dandruff can be a problem for dry normal or greasy hair. A well-balanced diet and good general health are essential for getting rid of dandruff permanently.

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Hair Care Advice

Hair is an important part of our beauty. Healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy body. Water makes up one-fourth of the weight of a strand of hair. Water not only hydrates your body, but helps keep your hair silky and shiny. You should drink between eight and ten glasses of water a day.
Protein is the building block of hair. You can get protein from fish, meat, milk, cheese, and cereals. Minerals like iron, zinc, copper are very essential elements for your hair. You can get these elements from vegetables, meat, milk, seeds, cereals, nuts etc.
Vitamin A will give you a healthy scalp. Vitamin B, C is important for bird circulation. You can get these vitamins from fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and bread.
Tips For healthy hair:
A healthy lifestyle will mean healthier hair for you. Excessive stress, smoking, not exercising and not eating nutritiously are not healthy for your hair. Get enough sleep.
Avoid using hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.
Avoid putting hair styling products directly on your scalp; if you put it on your scalp you'll clog the pores on your head.
It is important to wash your hair, shampooing removes dirt, dead skin cells, hair oils, any hair products you may put into your hair.
You should wash your hair as often as you feel necessary to keep it clean, but a general rule is for oily hair you should wash it every day or every other day and for dry hair only wash it 2-3 times a week.
Shower with warm water, hot water can dry and/or irritate the scalp.
Comb your hair to remove any tangles before brushing it.
If you have only a mild case of dandruff, shampooing your hair with a regular shampoo daily or twice a day will usually do the trick.
Avoid sleeping with tightly braided hair or hair in a tight ponytail. The stress can cause breakage and/or hair loss.
Even if you plan on growing your hair out further you should trim your hair once every 3 months, if not split ends will cause your hair to break off and your hair will begin to lose its beauty, if you plan on just maintaining your length, a trim once every month and a half to two months should suffice.
Avoid excessive wind, sun, and heat (such as from hair dryers, hot showers, and curling irons) on your hair.
If you color your hair, limit coloring it to once ever 2 months. Hair coloring damages your hair and the less frequently you color it the better.
By taking these types of care, you can prevent hair loss. You should be able to get healthy hair, just taking small care.
This article has been originally published by Awinita Smith whose specialization are in Health related topics and currently writing on Skin Treatment topics for In past, she has written more articles on natural health care which can be seen in the same website.

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